We have investigated several representative types of organic and biological relevant aqueous aerosols by using the aerosol photoelectron spectroscopy, from which we were able to extract valuable information regarding the valence electronic structures of aqueous aerosols and their evolution with their chemical surrounding. For example, our research team has recently studied the valence electronic properties, interfacial solvation structures of phenolic-containing aqueous nanoaerosols, from which we found that the amphiphilic organic solutes are only partially solvated at the interfacial region of aqueous aerosols, with the hydrophilic –OH functional group more deeply immersed into the aqueous nanoaerosols, while the hydrophobic aromatic ring remain above the aqueous interface. Also, the chemical compositional distribution of organic-containing aqueous aerosols are significantly different from the bulk aqueous solution. Moreover, we have also identified from the aerosol photoelectron spectroscopy that the valence electronic structures of aqueous aerosols can vary dramatically with (1) increasing degrees of hydration, (2) increasing extents of deprotonation, (3) increasing pH, and (4) increasing numbers of −OH group.
Valence electronic structures play a decisive role in governing the chemical activities of aerosols.