About CCW Aerosol and Biomedical Science Lab
Aerosols are fine suspensions of liquid droplets or solid particles floated in a gaseous medium. Aerosols are ubiquitous in nature, including our living environment. Aerosols exert profound impacts in the atmosphere, the environment ecosystem and our health. Although aerosols of natural origin are essential and helpful in maintaining the meteorological cycle of the planet, aerosols of anthropogenic origin have been found to do a lot of harms, not only to alter the atmospheric processes, pollute the living environment, but also cause numerous adverse health effects and significantly increase the mortality.
Aerosols are highly complex and dynamic in nature, crucially governed by their sources, chemical compositions and other physico-chemical and biological properties. Therefore, the fundamental science of aerosols, as well as their impacts to the atmosphere, environment and publich health are highly important and urgent subjects to be addressed in science.
CCW Aerosol and Biomedical Science Laboratory, led by Principle Investigator, Prof. Chia C. Wang, has dedicated to numerous aerosol-related research fields, including:
1. Fundamental physical chemistry of aerosols
2. Aerosols in atmosphere chemistry, environmental chemistry
and aerosol-atmosphere-ocean correlations
3. Aerosol biomedical science, including PM2.5 preventive medicine
and aerosol therapy
4. Anthropogenic aerosols and their reduction strategies

人為氣膠則為人類活動如交通運輸,發電廠及工廠廢煙排放下的產物。目前全球氣候異常現象頻傳,國際氣候變遷研究小組(Intergovernmental Panal of Climate Changes) 即已明確指出對於氣膠基礎特性的不確定性是我們目前無法確實瞭解及控制氣候變遷的一大主因。