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The 1st International Symposium On Aerosols Characterization and Therapies

The 1st International Symposium On Aerosols Characterization and Therapies


Aerosol is referred to the fine suspension of particulate matters in a gaseous medium. Recently, air pollution and ultrafine particulate matters, such as PM2.5 (particulate matters with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 μm) have caused tremendous impacts on Earth’s atmosphere, environmental ecosystem and public health. On the other hand, aerosols can also serve as a novel way for drug delivery. Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University has organized this very first international symposium on aerosol characterization and therapies. We have invited numerous outstanding scientists and researchers to present their recent efforts in probing the intrinsic physico-chemical properties of aerosols as well as the updated status of aerosol medicine developments. Additionally, we will also discuss how the public policy could be made to regulate the air pollution in global context. We welcome interested individuals, including students, faculties, and friends from relevant fields to join us for this exciting event!


We are going to hold a symposium on Oct.29~31, Welcome everyone to join us


Time:Oct 29 2019~Oct 31 2019

Location:Hua-Li Hall, International Research Bldg.1F ,National Sun Yat-sen University

