WHO recognizes was the rubber dissemination is mad the rubber center for new crown virus main infection way Zhongshan University Aerosol Science Research Center: Mouthpiece being closed influence virus anti- efficiency
WHO recently officially recognized the spread of aerosol (also known as aerosols) as the main route of transmission of COVID-19, and the US CDC also followed up and revised the epidemic prevention guidelines. In view of the severe local epidemic situation, Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University, urged the public to be more vigilant. She emphasized that the latest foreign research found that the tightness of masks greatly affects the efficiency of blocking virus aerosols. For example, When the gap of the mask increases by 1%, its blocking efficiency for aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 microns will drop by 50%.
Aerosol is tiny droplets or particulate matter suspended in the air. When people talk, sing, cough, or even just breathe, they will release many aerosols below 5 microns in size. When a COVID-19 infected person performs these exhalation actions, the virus can be released into the environment through the exhalation gel.
Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University, pointed out that as the new crown epidemic continues to raging around the world, various latest research evidence has been published so far, including field air sampling measurement and analysis, epidemiological statistics, clinical and animal experiments, and aerodynamic simulations. On April 30 this year, the spread of aerosol was officially recognized as the main route of transmission of COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, an endless stream of super-spreader incidents have pointed to the main route of aerosol transmission. In New Zealand, cluster infections in epidemic prevention hotels have also occurred previously. After investigation, it was found that aerosol transmission was the main cause; there have also been many cases in foreign countries that still caused infections of medical staff even when social distancing and wearing masks were observed. The incident was also attributed to the spread of aerosol. Recently, there have been more outbreaks of group infections in China, which has led to a substantial increase in the risk of community transmission.
Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University,said that usually when asymptomatic patients do not wear a mask or any protective measures, aerosol transmission will become the main route of infection. Studies have pointed out that a very high proportion of COVID-19 patients are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms at the time of diagnosis, and more than 50% of COVID-19 infections are caused by asymptomatic infections. Faced with a severe domestic epidemic, she especially reminded the public to be vigilant and pay particular attention to the tightness of the mask when wearing it, "must wear well and fully."
"In the past, people mistakenly thought that aerosol transmission would only occur at long distances, but ignored that the concentration of aerosol particles actually increases as the distance from the source of infection is closer, and the probability of infection is higher," said Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University. Recent foreign studies have pointed out that masks of different materials, such as N95, medical masks and cotton masks, are effective in filtering aerosol containing SARS-CoV-2 virus. The results show that N95 has the highest aerosol filtration efficiency, but masks of other materials also have certain the filtration efficiency and protection power. In addition, the research team of the Max Planck Institute in Germany tested the efficiency of filtering aerosols of different particle sizes on the tightness of the mask and found that when the surface gap of the mask increases by 1%, although there are nearly 7 The resulting filtration efficiency is halved for filtering aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 microns. When the gap of the mask increases to 2%, the efficiency of filtering aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 microns is only 1/times that when fully sealed, Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University, reminded the public that in addition to the existing epidemic prevention measures, pay more attention to the tightness of wearing masks, install air filtration and purification devices equipped with high-efficiency filters, and install ultraviolet (UV C) air disinfection devices to avoid crowds. Poorly ventilated areas will help reduce the risk of infection spread by aerosol.
Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University, published an editorial at the beginning of the outbreak in February 2020 to remind the people of the country, and in May 2020, he published a special article in the international authoritative journal "Science", pointing out that it causes pneumonia COVID-19 The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 can spread in the air in the form of extremely fine aerosol particles or droplets. Unlike droplets with larger particles that are dominated by gravity and quickly sink to the ground within a few seconds, the aerosol can be suspended in the air for several hours or even longer under the influence of air drag. For a droplet with a particle size of 100 microns, it takes only 5 seconds to drop from a height of 1.5 meters (equivalent to the average height of a normal adult human nose) to the ground, but for an aerosol with a particle size of only 1 micron, from the same height It took 12.2 hours to descend to the ground. Although the infectivity of the virus will gradually decrease over time, these virus-containing aerosols, if they are breathed into the respiratory tract or lungs by others while maintaining their infectivity, may cause the virus to replicate in the new host. , And lead to the onset of infection.
National Sun Yat sen University Aerosol Science Research Center is the only research center with aerogel as the theme in Asia. In recent years, it has been actively engaged in the research of PM2.5 preventive medicine and aerogel biomedicine, exploring the causes and solutions of PM2.5 induced diseases such as respiratory and pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular diseases and children's brain retardation, so as to lay an important foundation for PM2.5 preventive medicine. Biological aerogels, such as viruses and bacteria, are also one of the key research directions of the Aerosol Science Research Center Sun Yat sen University, aiming at innovating medical treatment, improving the quality of human life and promoting the well-being of the whole people.
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